Frequently asked questions

Q1. What should I do after I make a booking?
Simply keep us informed after you deliver and wil advise you when to start your sessions.

Q2. When must I make the deposit and balance payment?
Once confirm please pay a deposit of $500

Q3. Where do I do this treatment 
This treatment is done at the comfort of your home on your bed or on a mattress/ yoga mats.

Q4. When can I start the massage after delivery?
For natural delivery, you may start the session at least 5-7 days after delivery. For caesarean delivery, you may start session at least 3-4 weeks depending on the recovery of your wound.

Q5. Is the sessions consecutive days?
Yes the session are to be done everyday. This is to ensure maximum effectiveness of the whole course of treatments.

Q6. How long must I put the binder on?
We recommend you to wear the binder for at least 8-10 hrs but should you feel uncomfortable at any time, we suggest you to take off and wash the area clean.

Q7. Must I continue to use a binder even after my package is over?
Yes, we encourage you to wear the binder everyday even after completion of your sessions. This is to help maximum the effectiveness of your sessions & to get back in shape faster

Q8. I experience some blood clots discharge after massage, is it normal?
Yes, for postnatal massage, one of the benefit is to help to get rid of the remaining blood clots after delivery. If you experience heavy bleeding, pls consult your doctor.

Q9. Can I cancel or shorten my package after booking?
No cancellation once booking is done. Shortening of package is not possible as once booking is done, We have reserve the session slot specially for you. Kindly inform us on your 2nd session if you need any extension.

Q10. How many sessions should I be taking?  It is recommended to have a minimum of 5 days treatment.

  Ideally 10 days to see the most effective result. Traditionally, this treatment is to be done at least 40 days during confinement.


  • I want to thank you Sri for her treatment. Very experienced and patient. She is very accommodative. I definitely see the results .. I...
    Carmen P

    Carmen P

    24. June, 2017 |

  • 谢谢你安排 Grace, massage好舒服
    Mrs Choi

    Mrs Choi

    24. June, 2017 |


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Did you know?
FACT 2: In Malay tradition, the new mother was strictly home-bound after the delivery for 40 to 48 days.
FACT 1: Massage is a perfect way to relax the mind and body and to renew energy.